Friday, April 18, 2008

Factory Farms

Today's class reminded me of some films I've seen on factory farming. Like some of the other films we were discussing, it is largely up to the viewer to discern truth from drama, and argument from emotion, in some of these clips. For example, images of meat and freshly slaughtered animals might appear gruesome, even if the killing was done humanely. On the other hand, I find some of the footage irrefutably disturbing and informative. I found just a couple clips online that show the darker sides of factory farming. A lot of it is repetitive, good to just skim/fast-forward through. Also as a warning, it IS hard to watch.

This first one is set to Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" and shows some sad images, but some which may be over-dramatized.

The second two, for me, are more compelling, especially after hearing that pigs are about as intelligent as dogs.


There ARE solutions to this moral dilemma, maybe even ones that allow us to still eat meat. I read an article by Micheal Pollan (yaa!) that changed the way I think about eating meat. Check it out if you're interested, it's amazing!
"An Animal's Place":

Also, here is one last video clip that is much more lighthearted and gives some more factual info on factory farming as well as a link to ways you can help out. It's pretty amusing:
"The Meatrix":

If you don't have time to read the whole Pollan article or surf the web here are some quick potential solutions I've come across:
-Go vegetarian, or vegan even
If not:
-Eat local
-Buy free range
-Substitute beans, soy products, and other forms of protein for meat a couple times a week to cut down on overconsumption.

Also, on campus, Moosewood at Annabell Taylor and Manndible Cafe offer local, organic options! Happy eating!

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