Tuesday, April 15, 2008


A few months ago I came across a blog called BLDGBLOG that is written by an architectural naturalist named Geoff Manaugh, who also happens to edit Dwell magazine. The blog is a terrific reference for Ntres 232 as it is essentially based upon the relationship that humans have built with the natural world.

If anyone is still working on their essay topic (even though most of us have already written our 3rd drafts..right) I would highly recommend the site for some really fascinating ideas. I'm working on mine based on the human interest in ruins and have found some really cool ideas on the site.


The next time I come across a good post I'll let everyone know about it. The site is one that I honestly go to for fun and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to kill some time and learn a little bit, too.


Meredith Donnan said...

THis is really cool Andrew!

Jim Tantillo said...

Andrew, something on that blog (the article about old roads in New England) made me think of the chapter in Thoreau's WALDEN titled Former Inhabitants. You might get some interesting quotables from Thoreau in that chapter on ruins, old cellar holes, etc. etc. Just a thought.

"Now only a dent in the earth marks the site of these dwellings."