Monday, February 19, 2007

The Bambi Syndrome: A Misconception By All

After concluding the class readings by Lutts and Cartmill concerning the so-called "Bambi Syndrome," an important point came to mind. Although the film Bambi is a form of popular American culture, and represents a piece of art geared for mass consumption tothe American public; it is strangely the case that the general public (in this case hunters, conservationists, the Walt Disney Co., etc.) relies on such media as an accountable form of education, and not just as a movie for entertainment purposes. While the hunter groups of the country complained it smeared the reputation of their sport, the conservations said it did so justifyingly, and then Walt Disney said he had no respoinsibility to disclaim the portrayal of hunters in the movie. So, on all sides we see validity being given to the film as a mild form of public education, but why? That is the rhetorical question that my post hopes to receive an answer too. However, I think I could suggest a solution to the problem between all of the stakeholders involved with the "Bambi Syndrome," becuase it is obviously an issue that is still alive today. My solution would be to offer a more inclusive curriculum for real public school teachers to utilize, that would balance the concepts of responsible recreation, envconservation/environmentalism, as business' role in American culture. Additionally, this would put educational responsibilties in the hands of those who are paid to do it, and leave the entertainment aspect to Bambi.

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